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Nella sede del laboratorio del Centro Calcografico 3C di Mestre tutte le opere ammesse al concorso sono state scrupolosamente esaminate.
La commissione alla fine dei lavori di selezione ha decretato le prime cinque opere risultate vincitrici, oltre ad altre cinque selezionate.
Per contenuto e messaggio, composizione e aspetto tecnico sono risultate meritevoli di riconoscimento per l'assegnazione dei premi le opere dei seguenti artisti nell'ordine:
1° PREMIO Martina Di Gennaro con l'opera "senza titolo" per la seguente motivazione: pregevole xilografia, sia per la composizione che gioca sulla simmetria e sugli equilibri tra pieni e vuoti, articolati secondo una dinamica modulare leggera;
2° PREMIO Agim Sako con l'opera "P.F." per la seguente motivazione: l'opera mostra una tecnica incisoria fine riecheggiante modelli orientali;
3° PREMIO Ivo Mosele con l'opera "P.F.";
4° PREMIO Marco Mucha con l'opera "Auguri";
5° PREMIO Rosario Amato l'opera "In soffitta";
Segnalate inoltre le opere dei seguenti artisti in ordine alfabetico:
Luciana Caravella "con l'opera "Cipree II";
Giuliana Guzzi con l'opera "Cinematografo";
Vincenzo Piazza con l'opera"P.F. 2018";
Gianfranco Rossi con l'opera "Auguri... in fiore";
Michele Stragliati con l'opera "Gazza ladra".
Alcuni dati:
La giuria composta da esperti quali Giuseppe Bartolo Fantinato incisore, già docente all'accademia, Luigi Faraon Presidente dell'Associazione "La Fornace" di Mestre, Tiziana Puletto Critica d'arte, Livio Ceschin incisore di fama nazionale e internazionale, Luciano Antonio Rossetto Presidente dell'Associazione Nazionale "Incisori contemporanei".
Sono stati visionati i 112 lavori presentati da 78 autori proveniente dall'Italia e dall'Estero.
Il numero degli artisti partecipanti e il livello delle opere presenti conferma ancora una volta la valenza culturale ed artistica di questa manifestazione biennale di grafica incisoria P.F. unica in Italia.
L'attuale periodo storico sfavorevole a molte forme d'arte e all'incisione in particolare, non ha impedito a questi artisti, che ringraziamo sentitamente, di partecipare, dimostrando di credere nel concorso e nella continuità storica della manifestazione mestrina giunta alla quinta edizione biennale.
La premiazione si svolgerà sabato 12 gennaio 2019 alle ore 17,30 presso la Galleria Luigi Sturzo in via Don Sturzo - Mestre Carpenedo.
La Mostra con ingresso gratuito, resterà aperta dal 12 al 23 gennaio con orari feriali dalle 17,00 alle 19,00 e festivi dalle 10,00 alle 12,00.
Eravamo vicini agli anni 50 dell’800 e a quel tempo gli auguri natalizi venivano partecipati in forma scritta con bella grafia su fogli impreziositi da cornici floreali impresse a secco, quando Sir Henry Cole commissionò al suo amico artista John Callcott Horsley 100 biglietti litografati, poi colorati a mano per essere poi inviati a parenti e amici con gli auguri di Natale.
'immagine creata da J.C. Horsley, ora oggetto di ricerca da parte di collezionisti, raffigurava tre generazioni di una famiglia nell’atto di sollevare un brindisi, mentre incorniciate su entrambi i lati venivano illustrate scene di carità dove veniva raffigurato l’atto di dare ai poveri cibo e vestiti.
Era maturo il tempo delle mode e al di là dell’iconografia natalizia questa consuetudine prese piede nelle fasce medio alte della nuova borghesia, tanto da diventare una tradizione, anche se relegata solo a chi poteva permetterselo, ma che per fortuna è giunta fino ai tempi nostri anche se solo per motivi artistici con la scritta P.F.
Due lettere
che semplificano, ma allo stesso tempo amplificano il significato di questo
acronimo che significa “Pro Festivitate” o “Pro Fastum” usando il latino, o per
dirla all’italiana “Per le Festività” o “Per Festeggiare” e ancora declinandole
alla francese “Pour Féliciter” o “Pour Festivité”.
La nostra competizione artistica vuole quindi onorare questa
nobile consuetudine di scambiarsi gli auguri con dei pregevoli biglietti
d’autore, che si continua a ripetere
ormai da più di un secolo e mezzo.
Molti artisti infatti, nel corso degli anni si sono cimentati nella
creazione di biglietti augurali, di volta in volta, per il Natale, per le
vacanze o per altre ricorrenze, con questa particolare tipologia, ovvero "biglietti d’autore" poi identificati come “ P.F.”. Tale forma augurale, successivamente, si è
evoluta nel tempo tanto da diventare importante anche dal punto di vista
Questi biglietti augurali trovano un connubio particolare con la tecnica incisoria essendo facilitata la riproduzione delle stampe grazie alle matrici di zinco, rame o legno.
Nel novecento e anche fino ad oggi per fortuna, una piccola nicchia di
persone ha continuato a commissionare ad artisti ed incisori questi piccoli
capolavori grafici, nonostante fosse già maturo il tempo della commercializzazione
che ha permesso di allargare la possibilità alle fasce medie di reperire
biglietti economici prestampati di tutte
le fattezze, realizzati industrialmente con frasi fatte e con immagini
Un felice sodalizio dunque che dura da più di centocinquanta anni e che grazie anche alla nostra manifestazione, continua ad affascinare il pubblico e a rendere più ricco di valori e di buoni auspici, quello che già di per se dovrebbe essere il biglietto di auguri.
E' dalla precedente edizione del 2017 che il Premio Mestre è dedicato al compianto maestro ALBERTO BENVENUTI animatore e ideatore del concorso, assieme a Gianni Favaro, cofondatori del Centro calcografico 3C di Mestre.
di seguito le immagini delle opere premiate e segnalate
1° Premio |
2° Premio |
3° Premio |
4° Premio |
5° Premio |
Segnalate - ordine alfabetico -
Segnalata |
Segnalata |
Segnalata |
Segnalata |
Segnalata |
Account Temporarily Disabled Need Binance Phone Number
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RispondiEliminaErrors while withdrawing funds from Blockchain account is quite a difficult situation as you always have the chances of sending it on a wrong address or facing error in completing the whole process. To understand such situations, always ring on Blockchain customer care number which is functional all day and night for assistance. The best part is you can always talk to the team anytime and get the required solutions that are important for your process. No matter what, the team is always going to support you so that you can enjoy hassle-free trading journey. Blockchain Support Number
RispondiEliminaTwo-factor authentication is a fundamental facet in the Gemini account as it ensures to maintain security and protect your account from unwanted troubles. It acts a shield to your account and users must enable this function in their accounts. If you find an error in using 2fa or need assistance, dial Gemini helpdesk number and get the best guidance from the team in no seconds. The team is always up for your queries and provide out of the box and convenient methods to eradicate your queries. Gemini Support Number
RispondiEliminaDo you want to fix the login and sign up errors in Binance? If you are unaware about the process, all you can do is dial Binance Support number and acquire quality solutions from the team of professionals who is always there to guide you. The team is always quick and have all the answers and remedies related to errors and deliver them in quick time, therefore, they can fix any sort of complexities in no time. Binance Support Number
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RispondiEliminaIs your Binance application not working or unable to open? If your account is unable to work, it’s high time, you should contact with the team of skilled professionals who are there to assist you. You can call on Binance phone number which is functional all the time and users can have conversation with the team anytime related to issues. You can call on Binance Support number which is functional all the time and users can start conversing with the team to get results that are easy to execute. Whenever you get in trouble, you just have to knock the doors of skilled professionals who are there to assist and attend all your queries. Binance Support Number
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RispondiEliminaAre you facing technical glitch while log into the Binance account? At the time of login to the Binance account, you have to use email ID and password to open the account. If you are typing any of these errors incorrect and you need guidance from the roots to deal with them, you can always call on Binance support number which is always active and the team is ready to support you every time. You can connect with the anytime for availing quality results that are easy to execute. Whenever you are in trouble, they will always come to rescue you and deal with all troubles. Binance Customer Support Number
RispondiEliminaAre you having trouble in your Binance exchange as Binance puzzle CAPTCHA is not working? Binance Puzzle CAPTCHA helps in running of the Binance exchange hassle-free. If you are looking for solutions to deal with all kind of troubles from the roots, you can always call on Binance helpline number which is functional all the time for guidance. You can always contact them whenever you are in trouble to fix all troubles in nick of time. Contact them whenever you are in trouble and avail quality results from the skilled professionals in no time. Binance Customer Number
RispondiEliminaIs Gemini two-factor authentication creating trouble which is difficult to resolve ? Gemini 2fa helps in securing your account from troubles that come through online threats. If in case two-factor authentication is failed and you want to fix it up, you can directly call on Gemini helpdesk number which is functional and the team can connect with user from anywhere and eliminate his/her queries by providing the best and verified remedies created by veteran experts. Gemini Customer Care Number
RispondiEliminaDo you want to create Binance account but unaware of steps that are required to create an account? If you are looking for ways and methods that could be helpful in executing the process of Binance account, you can always call on Binance helpline number which is always functional and the team is ready to guide you at every step. Therefore, contact them anytime to avail steps that could be useful and help in creating the Binance account. Whenever you are in trouble, you can always reach them to get quality solutions that are 100% verified. Binance Helpdesk Number
RispondiEliminaDo you want to create Gemini account but unaware of steps that are required to create an account? If you are looking for ways and methods that could be helpful in executing the process of Gemini account, you can always call on Gemini helpline number which is always functional and the team is ready to guide you at every step. Therefore, contact them anytime to avail steps that could be useful and help in creating the Gemini account. Whenever you are in trouble, you can always reach them to get quality solutions that are 100% verified. Gemini Number
RispondiEliminaLog in and sign up issues are the most common errors but if not fixed on time, users are unable to open the account which put stake on their trading. If you are fed up of these errors and you need instant solution that could be helpful in eliminating all troubles, you are at the right place. You can always call on Gemini support number which is always functional and the team is ready to guide you at every step, therefore, you can reach them for the better results and execute them properly under the assistance of skilled professionals. Gemini Contact Info
RispondiEliminaAre you revolving around Binance two-factor authentication error that occurs in your account? If you are unable to fix this error and looking for stepwise guidance, you should always ring at the doors of elite members who are just one call way from you. You need to talk to them via calling on Binance customer care number which is always active and the team knows all the tricks to eliminate all troubles in fraction of time. Whenever you get into such issues, you can always take help from the team to end troubles in no time. Binance Support Number
RispondiEliminaAre you revolving around Gemini two-factor authentication error that occurs in your account? If you are unable to fix this error and looking for stepwise guidance, you should always ring at the doors of elite members who are just one call way from you. You need to talk to them via calling on Gemini customer care number which is always active and the team knows all the tricks to eliminate all troubles in fraction of time. Whenever you get into such issues, you can always take help from the team to end troubles in no time. Gemini Customer Number
RispondiEliminaIs Binance phone verification not working because of technical troubles that occur in between and create endless trouble. If you don’t know the methods to recover these error and looking for remedies to handle them, you can always have conversation with the team of elite professionals who are there to handle all your troubles. Call them on Binance helpline number which is always functional and the team is always helpful to eliminate all troubles in nick of time. Binance Support Phone number
RispondiEliminaAre you unable to create the Etherwallet account as you are unaware of the execution process ? Surrounded by such errors are quite hard to deal with , therefore, if you have made mind to open an account on the exchange , you can always take guidance from the team of elite professionals who have knowledge and can handle all glitches. You can call on Etherwallet helpdesk number which is always functional and the team is always ready to handle all troubles in no time. Connect with the team to avail beautiful remedies and get quality results immediately. Etherwallet Support Number
RispondiEliminaAre you having trouble in cancelling the transaction in the Etherwallet exchange? If you can’t handle such issues and need assistance from the elite professionals who are there to handle all your worries. You can always have conversation with them related to worries and the team will provide you the best remedies that are going to assist you. Contact the team members anytime over Etherwallet helpdesk number which is always functional and the team is ready to guide you at every step. Connect with them anytime for the best solutions instantly. Etherwallet Support Number
RispondiEliminaIs Binance two-factor authentication not working? If you are also one of the users who face errors in handling all troubles, you can always contact the team who is always functional and the team is ready to guide you. Whenever you are in such trouble, you can always have conversation with the team who is ready to guide you at every step. Connect with the team who is ready to handle all trouble and issues in fraction of time via Binance support number. Speak to the team anytime for quality solutions and gain quality results from the professionals who are there to handle all your worries. Binance HelpDesk Number
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