mercoledì 1 giugno 2011

ALBERTO BENVENUTI - L'arte e la grafica d'autore

Un giorno un'amico chiese al maestro Alberto Benvenuti cosa ne pensasse dell’arte, sul foglio di carta... la sua risposta è nelle parole che seguono.
     " E' molto difficile spiegare agli altri oltre che a me stesso cosa sia l'arte per me, perché ciò significa cercare di analizzare una parte del mio essere talmente profonda, talmente intima e irrazionale, da essere avvolta in una specie di pudore, di infantile imbarazzo".      
                                                                                                     il maestro al lavoro nel suo studio

    L'arte è una sorta di vitale, magico istinto, è dimenticarsi di mangiare, è alzarsi dal letto di notte per concretizzare una sensazione, un'idea, un'intuizione sul foglio di carta. L'arte è contatto fisico con il materiale che si adopera, è la violenza con cui si aggredisce il foglio, per averne risposta, per vedere se stessi, per riconoscersi.
     E' fatica, studio, sacrificio, libertà, gioia, stupore, nostalgia, dolce tenerezza nel ricordare come è avvenuto, ai tempi della mia giovinezza, il primo contatto con essa: nella mia terra (Taranto), con  la mia donna, immerso nella natura (ndr. il mio primo quadro ad olio - 1953 al Galeso). I primi goffi tentativi di realizzare quello che il cuore, la mente, il corpo mi suggerivano. L'ansia di fare, la smania addirittura, di creare, di sentirmi vivo esprimendo me stesso. E ancora: la crescita, lo studio, Venezia e le sue seduzioni, l'irresistibile contagio della città ricca di storia, del bello ovunque, la razionalità insieme alla follia.                                                         

                                                                                              alcuni materiali della calcografia
    L'arte è perdere la nozione del tempo e dello spazio, è smarrirsi, è estraniarsi e vivere in una dimensione diversa, fantastica e tutto con incredibile chiarezza. E' avere la possibilità di comunicare, è contraddizione, gioia e passione. E' Vivere !!! Cos'è per noi la vita: è un'eterna continua follia sempre alla ricerca di ....qualcosa da realizzare, un sogno, un dolore, una gioia,.......... mah ! alla fine siamo considerati dei pazzi..... ma innocui anche perché, per realizzare un'acquaforte (una, dico         bene!),  occorrono anche due/tre mesi di lavoro !               

Alberto Benvenuti nato a Taranto ha iniziato l’attività artistica da autodidatta. In seguito al suo trasferimento a Venezia per lavoro, ha continuato i suoi interessi artistici frequentando l’Accademia delle BB.AA. Si è diplomato al Liceo Artistico di Venezia specializzandosi, presso il Centro Internazionale della Grafica di quella città , in tutte le arti grafiche.

Ha partecipato con merito a molte collettive d’arte in Italia e all’estero e ha avuto recensioni sulle sue partecipazioni, in riviste e giornali nazionali, esteri e locali.
Documentazione della sua attività è reperibile presso l’Archivio Storico della Biennale di Venezia; ’Kunsthistorische Institut di Firenze; nel Repertorio degli Incisori Italiani del Gabinetto delle Stampe Antiche e Moderne di Bagnacavallo (Ra); presso la “Raccolta Sartori” di Mantova e presso la “Raccolta Bertarelli” di Milano.
E’ co-fondatore dell’Atelier Aperto del Centro Internazionale della Grafica di Venezia e Fondatore del Circolo Culturale Calcografico -3C- di Mestre Venezia.

(tratto da - Leggere un quadro - di Giulio Gasparotti )
La grafica è il complesso di tecniche che comportano l'esecuzione di multipli attraverso un disegno riprodotto su un supporto di materiale ferroso, di legno, linoleum, cartone e materiale di plastica dura.

Le più importanti tecniche di riproduzione sono: la calcografia, la litografia e la serigrafia. 
  l'inchiostratura su piastra riscaldata

La calcografia, più propriamente detta I'acquaforte, è la prima, più antica e utilizzata delle tecniche indirette in cavo, in cui, è l'acido (la morsura ), e non l'azione dell' incisore, a scavare un solco sulla matrice
(di zinco, rame, ottone, ecc.).

La tecnica era nota a Leonardo già nel 1504, ma si deve a Daniel Hopfer (1470-1536) la sua prima applicazione nel tentativo di incidere una matrice piana per la stampa in cavo. Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) è il testimone più noto di questo interessante mezzo espressivo, molro vicino a quello dell' intaglio a bulino e soprattutto alla xilografia.
In Italia è Marcantonio Raimondi (1482-1534) il primo ad applicarsi all' acquaforte. Contemporaneamente si accostano a quest'arte il Parmigianino (Francesco Mazzola 1503-1540).

Si deve a Harmenszoon Van Rijn Rembrandt (1606-1669) l'intuizione e l'utilizzo di tutte le possibilità grafiche dell' acquaforte, del bulino e della puntasecca, sia separatamente che unite tra loro.

In Europa eccelle anche il francese Jacques Callot (1592-1616) che riesce a cogliere i molteplici aspetti del reale, delle diversità di morsure.
Adotta, forse per la prima volta, una vernice molto resistente, a base di mastice, cera vergine e ambra per la copertura delle lastre.

Nel Settecento si potenzia l'uso dell' acquaforte come tecnica riproduttiva attraverso l'utilizzo di sempre più sofisticate attrezzature che agevolano I'incisore.

In Italia, a Venezia, troviamo un grande sviluppo dell' acquaforte con la tecnica dell' acquatinta, della "maniera
a lapis" (ceramolle). 

     Il posizionamento della carta
Numerosi sono gli artisti che si dedicano, nel tempo, a questa tecnica: i maggiori si possono individuare in Luca Carlevarijs (1663-1730), Marco Ricci (1676-1730), Antonio Canal detto il Canaletto (1697- 1768), Giovan B. Tiepolo (1693-1770), G.B. Piranesi (1720-1778) e, all'estero, F. Goya (1746-1828) e via via ai E. Manet, E. Degas, C. Pissarro, E. Delacroix, in Inghilterra a W. Turner e J. Abbot Mc Neill Whistler.In Italia principalmente con Umberto Boccioni, Benvenuto Disertori, Carlo Carrà ecc. ecc.
In tempi recenti è giusto ricordare, tra gli altri, Tono Zancanaro (1906-1985) P. Manaresi (1908-1991), Giuseppe Guerreschi (1929-1985), Lino Bianchi Barriviera (1906- 1985), Giovanni Barbisan (1914-1988) e Giorgio Morandi (1890- 1964).
Altri modi di espressione artistica, in combinazione con l'acquaforte o anche singolarmente, sono da menzionare la "maniera nera" o mezzotinto", "maniera al sale", "maniera allo zucchero", "maniera pittorica", "puntasecca" ecc.                                                 Copia ottenuta dopo il passaggio al torchio

L'acquaforte o comunemente indicata solo come "incisione", normalmente viene stampata in un solo colore per apprezzare meglio tutte le variazione di segni e sfumatura. 
Tuttavia è accettata e apprezzata anche con le tecniche più contemporanee utilizzando inchiostri calcografici colorati (tricromie, quadricromie, "a la poupee", ecc.).

La litografia: si presume inventata alla fine del Settecento, è entrata nell'uso corrente mediante l'utilizzo di una speciale pietra calcare a e, ultimamente mediante lastre di alluminio preventivamente trattate (varie graniture) che assomigliano molto alle introvabili pietre summenzionate. A questa tecnica si sono rivolti molti dei precedenti artisti operanti in calcografia. 
La serigrafia: non si tratta, come le precedenti tecniche di stampa attraverso "incisioni" della matrice, ma soltanto di una stampa damatnce "in piano".

Le origini sembrano essere collocabili già da secoli in Cina.
Questo modo riproduttivo si ottiene con la "filtrazione" di uno o più colori attraverso uno schermo o setaccio (telaio con particolare copertura di tessuto filtrante di nylon, seta, resistenti ed elastici) sucarta, sera o tessuto particolarmente assorbente (cotone).

Molti artisti si avvalgono di queste e altre tecniche, dette impropriamente “tecniche sperimentali” (utilizzando materiali vari come il cartone, plexiglass, ecc) della gipsografia  (tavolette di gesso o terracotte) mettendo, in primo piano il pregio della manualità per la realizzazone dell’opera d’arte, rifuggendo la riproduzione mediante riporto fotografico (fotoincisione e fotolitografia) o meccanico (offset).

(tratto da LEGGERE UN QUADRO di Giulio Gasparotti - edizioni   "  La Fornace "  - Mestre)

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  24. A few clients have passed on for their record suspension and sign-in issue with Yobit. It prompts the hotel of client's records which further prompts the record being briefly crippled, and clients have face loss of assets along these lines. Numerous clients have additionally grumbled that the assets become difficult to reach time to time for a large portion of them. It is unacceptable and the trade has chosen to determine this locking and briefly incapacitated record issue as quickly as time permits. Clients are essential to contact yobit support number +1-844-331-2333 for any of their inquiries.

  25. Uphold is a digital money trade which is being worked by the Hit Techs Limited. It was propelled in 2014 and at present is a worldwide stage that is utilized for the numerous cash trade. Uphold is a verified stage for computerized trades with the offices like constant clearing, advance request coordinating calculations and others. Get Uphold Customer Service on the off chance that you have an issue. As there are different digital currency trades that are giving the administrations of cash trade. The newcomers in the realm of advanced money are confronting the issue to comprehend or work on it. To handle these issues you can call at the uphold customer support number +1-844-331-2333.

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  27. The world's most evident induced cash as appeared by trading volume, Changelly, has cleared another demo video for its decentralized exchange for instance Named Changelly DEX going before its ship close to the beginning of the year 2019. Got released on Wednesday, the video portrays the Changelly DEX trading interface with a web crypto wallet, regardless, the swashbuckler for Changelly's near open Blockchain, Changelly chain, which will be made on the apartment start soon. For more information, approach changelly support phone number +1-860-266-2763 which is peaceful protested amidst the ideal open door for help and help.

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  29. Uphold is one of the finest brands in the market today which is supporting the fate of the up and coming age. There are a few issues experienced by the clients some are extremely specialized, some are identified with our items and some are little inquiry which beginner fundamentally confront. So you don’t have to falter in this circumstance regardless of that you can specifically make a call at our uphold support phone number +1-860-266-2763 which is extremely dependable on the grounds that our master proficient are versed to the point that they will deal with the issue in less traverse of time.

  30. If you are in trouble about HitBTC Exchange technical errors then you have a need to dial HitBTC Technical Support Number. The HitBTC Customer Support Number is toll-free and available 24*7. Here you have a chance to take help from the HitBTC experts. The issue is observed by them and they provides the best solutions for the problems. So Dial HitBTC Customer Support Number++1-860-266-2763.

  31. You can contact Mycelium support phone number to learn more about many issues. The available Mycelium support team will help you solve your problem. However, when such a problem arises, the user will always have the option to contact the Mycelium Support Phone Number If you cannot find the right location, you can contact online Mycelium services available 24/7 or Mycelium Support Phone Number+1-860-266-2763 which resolves your problem at any time. The team will give you the best solution for most users, chat is the best option for those users because they are easily Mycelium numbers from their office and can get help from officials. If you still can not get help with customer support, you can contact the Mycelium Support Phone Number.

  32. HitBTC exchange has a major role in the field of cryptocurrency. New users of HitBTC have many difficulties in HitBTC account such as login issues pin generation and many others. if you have got any reasonably hassle associated with HitBTC and need to urge a relevant answer, and then you’re within the right place. Here are our professional HitBTC technicians which can resolve any reasonably technical error associated with HitBTC within a couple of minutes, therefore don’t waste any time directly contact our HitBTC’s technicians simply by dialling our toll-free HitBTC Customer Support Number+ 1-860-266-2763. Our well-trained HitBTC professionals are here 24*7 available to provide help. Therefore you’ll dial our toll-free number anytime and raise any form of HitBTC related questions or problems without hesitation. For more information visit us at

  33. Coinbase support number can help with primarily resolving the source problems. Our Coinbase Tech Support Number is active and available 24/7. The specialists at the Coinbase Tech Support Number will give you user-friendly support for problems like sign-up, login, password recovery, etc. All the methods and techniques given to you are cost-effective and deep in nature. Just speak to experts at coinbase support number +1-860-266-2763, a helpline for customer service.

  34. Among other cryptocurrency wallet services across the globe, Uphold cryptocurrency wallet is one of a kind. It gives you all sort of protection against your Bitcoin. The expert team behind the support provides excellent help against your cryptocurrency wallet. The support given at our uphold support number +1-860-266-2763 is of quality standard. They do not give a solution that works for the time being. In fact, the experts believe in giving services that last for a lifetime and that are cheap. Our Uphold Tech Support Number aims at giving solutions to every single issue that the experts are acknowledged.

  35. We have been serving the best to you as we set collection in giving the best to our customers. It doesn’t have any kind of effect on what issue you have been encountering whether it is minor or major. You essentially need to instruct us to get the best plans in the blink of an eye for your Coinbase. On the off chance that you have come upon any kind of malware or ransomware attack related issues. You essentially need to let experts at coinbase support phone number +1-860-266-2763 know about the issue. Our team will serve you the best solutions against the issues your device is facing.

  36. Among other bitcoin wallet services across the globe, Uphold bitcoin wallet is one of a kind. It gives you all sort of protection against your trading or else. The expert team behind the support provides excellent help against your bitcoin wallet. The support given at our uphold support number +1-860-266-2763 is of quality standard. They do not give a solution that works for the time being. In fact, the experts believe in giving services that last for a lifetime and that are cheap. Our Uphold Tech Support Number aims at giving solutions to every single issue that the experts are acknowledged.

  37. We have a team of professionals which is ready to know about your technical problems and we serves you the best solutions of your problems. The HitBTC Customer Support Number is available 24*7 round the clock. When you have call at our support number our assistant resolves your problems remotely and you also know that how the problem is solves by the technician. So give a call at HitBTC Customer Support Number +1-860-266-2763 and gets your problems solution easily.

  38. We have a team of professionals which is ready to know about your technical problems and we serves you the best solutions of your problems. The HitBTC Customer Support Number is available 24*7 round the clock. When you have call at our support number our assistant resolves your problems remotely and you also know that how the problem is solves by the technician. So give a call at HitBTC Customer Support Number +1-860-266-2763 and gets your problems solution easily.

  39. There are many users of Mycelium wallet in the world. Users who are using Mycelium wallet is always happy about its services such as security features, Technical support services. If you are also a user of Mycelium wallet and having any issues about its account login issues and password reset so you are searching a Mycelium Support Number on the internet. then you are at the best place to get best Mycelium support service. You can see a Mycelium Support Phone Number+1-860-266-2763 on the internet. this is the right place where you can get the best support service about your technical issues. You have a need to dial Mycelium Customer Support Number, where you can contact to the Mycelium experts team which is 24*7 available to resolve your issues.

  40. Our experts at Coinbase Tech Support Phone Number are the dedicated ones’ who are very much aware of their contract. They ensure services in a way that they never leave any of the clients in the middle of the deal. Additionally, they ensure that the provisions are the help in the meantime with the goal that the client can return to fill in when the issue has been settled. Dial our coinbase support number +1-860-266-2763 and get Support anytime.

  41. HitBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange which allows users to exchange their cryptocurrency and trading also. HitBTC have very strong security features by which the user can protect their account from unethical activities. If there is any problem in HitBTC account then the HitBTC department provides the best technical support service by which the users can solve their problems about their login issues and others. So you can dial HitBTC Support Phone Number +1-﹙860﹚-266-2763 for a best and secure customer service.

  42. HitBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange which allows users to exchange their cryptocurrency and trading also. HitBTC have very strong security features by which the user can protect their account from unethical activities. If there is any problem in HitBTC account then the HitBTC department provides the best technical support service by which the users can solve their problems about their login issues and others. So you can dial HitBTC Support Phone Number +1-﹙860﹚-266-2763 for a best and secure customer service.

  43. We are a team of experts that offer you focused services which can be the best substitute for you to deal with your Uphold Sign in and other related issues. Our professionals at uphold phone number +1-860-266-2763 deals with any of account related issue like password recovery, forget password or else. Our support team is at your service 24*7.

  44. Mycelium is one of the top-rated bitcoin wallets all over the world that help all age groups peoples to store their bitcoins. Day by day Mycelium developers regularly improves its technology and features to provides convenient service to users. But still, sometime you may face various trouble while using Mycelium such as unable to access mycelium account, forgot Mycelium account password, difficulty in managing Mycelium privacy or security setting. If you face any Mycelium related trouble or unable to use Mycelium conveniently and need Mycelium experts to help and assistance, then in this situation, you can contact our Mycelium support team through our toll-free face Mycelium customer service number or Mycelium helpline number. Our Mycelium help and support team analyze the troubles of Mycelium users very carefully find core causes of the problem and help them with the best relevant and reliable solution. So in any troubling situation, you do not need to go here and there, here you can absolutely get a relevant and reliable solution of your every trouble, so without hesitation directly dial our toll-free Mycelium Support Phone Number〖+1-860-266-2763〗.

  45. HitBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange which allows users to trade their bitcoins and exchange their bitcoins in safe and secure formate. HitBTC exchange always works for customer satisfaction. Even if, there is any problem has occurred in the HitBTC then there is always a support team which works on the technical errors of the exchange and provides very fast and responsive support about the client's issues. HitBTC Customer service team provides a toll-free number on which customer can call directly and get very responsible and unique support. The best HitBTC Support Phone Number +1-860-266-2763 is 100% free and gives you a instant solution about your issues.

  46. An official Mycelium client service doesn’t offer any contact number or phone number to resolve a customer’s drawback. An official Mycelium technical support doesn’t respond quickly if you have got any reasonably hassle associated with Mycelium and need to urge a relevant answer, and then you’re within the right place. Here are our freelance Mycelium technicians resolve any reasonably hassle associated with Mycelium within a couple of minutes, therefore don’t waste some time directly contact our Facebook’s technicians simply by dialling our toll-free Mycelium Support Phone Number +1(860)-266-2763. Our well-trained Mycelium professionals are here 24*7 able to provide help. Therefore you’ll dial our toll-free number anytime and raise any form of Mycelium connected question or question while not hesitation.

  47. In some cases, glitches may happen for your bitcoin exchange because of a few indifference. For coinbase bitcoin exchange related issues, kindly contact our experts at coinbase support number +1-860-266-2763. Here the acknowledged specialists and experts will enable you to out from all the specialized issues. In reality, we are a group of specialists who are completely dedicated to a specific goal to resolve customer issues. We never need them to get upset about such little issues. In case, of the off chance that you are confronting any tech issue, reach us as right on time as possible for finish goals. We at coinbase bitcoin exchange guarantee you 100 % fulfillment.

  48. Uphold wallet can help with primarily resolving the source problems. Our Uphold Tech Support Number is active and available 24/7. The specialists at the uphold support number +1-860-266-2763 will give you user-friendly support for problems like app installation, re-installation, password recovery, backup, and update, etc. All the methods and techniques given to you are cost-effective and deep in nature. You did not need to waste your time reaching the physical service center which bears a lot of economic burdens and sometimes results in underperforming outcomes. Just speak to experts at Uphold Tech Support Number, a helpline for customer service.

  49. I think this is among the most vital info for me. And I am glad about Reading your blog. Clients have handled these issues with doing this due to 2FA login issue. On the off chance that you have additionally handled these circumstances of 2fa issue with Kraken don't get alarmed, our help group will rapidly resolve the issue. Contact our Kraken support number+1860-266-2763.
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  50. I think this is among the most vital info for me. And I am glad about Reading your blog. Clients have handled these issues with doing this due to 2FA login issue. On the off chance that you have additionally handled these circumstances of 2fa issue with Kraken don't get alarmed, our help group will rapidly resolve the issue. Contact our Kraken support number+1860-266-2763.
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  51. I think this is among the most vital info for me. And I am glad about Reading your blog. Clients have handled these issues with doing this due to 2FA login issue. On the off chance that you have additionally handled these circumstances of 2fa issue with Kraken don't get alarmed, our help group will rapidly resolve the issue. Contact our Kraken support number+1860-266-2763.
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  52. Concerning MyEtherWallet support team is relatively simple as you only require to visit the website link or can call MyEtherWallet support phone number+1-860-266-2763 to obtain the entire support for MyEtherWallet at all moment. The customer support services are available round the clock, so one can liberally call at every moment to get their trump support for MyEtherWallet.
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  54. This Blog is very helpful for Customer. Online support is very significant and crucial in the cryptocurrency market. Some users’ prerogative that they get their inquiries get solved in just 15 minutes, some complain that their queries last up to a few months. It all depends on the exchange connection with its server. We have our team for Bitstamp exchange and solving its connection related technical problem which can solve your all queries. Contact our Bitstamp support number +1(860)-266-(2763).

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  55. Nice blog! We offer a one-stop resolution for MyEtherWallet technical issue with MyEtherWallet support number +18602662763. At this moment to obtain tech support on MyEtherWallet Support Phone Number. If you need help and support with your MyEtherWallet Bitcoin for Setup & Configure. Our support group is forever there to assist you out in dreadful needs. Our team comprises of specialized technicians who assist you with full solutions.
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  56. Thank you for sharing this article, you may be useful and successful always. In the event that you are additionally fronting such sign in issues post account, secret word reset contact our Bitstamp support number +18602662763.

  57. Uphold Customer Support executes rapid recovery against technical concern arising in Uphold accounts either assembled with security settings or server settings, our expert Uphold technicians make sure that you get free from of all types of the case at a minimal span of time. We provide unmatched on-call support, mail support or chat support which is beneficial for customers. Unfavorable concern and errors are a mandatory part of technologies and so are the Uphold issues, reach our uphold customer support phone number +1-856-558-9404 any time and get smart and remote support from our best experts who have the capability in holding numerous Uphold issues.

  58. Two-factor Authentication and the multi-address feature are required with Gemini for additional security layer for users. But some users have reported an issue with their elongated 2FA verification. Users have complained that their id gets rejected multiple times, the only reason being the photographs doesn’t match with the photos on government id proofs. This creates problems for many users. If you are a Gemini user and don’t want to face such hassle and need to have smooth transaction contact our Gemini customer support phone number +1-856-558-9404.

  59. Coinbase is a standout amongst the best trades presents everywhere throughout the world as of now. What's more, on the off chance that you are not exchanging on Coinbase, at that point you are losing the chance to make benefits. Coinbase trade likewise gives Coinbase support through telephone. Clients of Coinbase who are confronting issues with Coinbase can call coinbase customer support phone number +1-856-558-9404 For Coinbase and get their issues fixed.

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  61. Is it true that you are a Binance client? On the off chance that you are not ready to move Digital cash in Binance account, you can approach Binance Support Number to discover most effortless techniques to defeat such complexities, you can converse with the specialists who have been managing every one of the issues since quite a while. The specialists won't just delete your issue and yet will likewise mindful you pretty much every one of the issues that can attack your exchange Digital cash. They feel glad to fix your issues and endeavor to give a consistent encounter to its clients by offering astounding administrations to the Binance clients. Binance Support Number

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  67. Are you having trouble in your Binance exchange as Binance puzzle CAPTCHA is not working? Binance Puzzle CAPTCHA helps in running of the Binance exchange hassle-free. If you are looking for solutions to deal with all kind of troubles from the roots, you can always call on Binance helpline number which is functional all the time for guidance. You can always contact them whenever you are in trouble to fix all troubles in nick of time. Contact them whenever you are in trouble and avail quality results from the skilled professionals in no time. Binance Customer Number

  68. Is Gemini two-factor authentication creating trouble which is difficult to resolve ? Gemini 2fa helps in securing your account from troubles that come through online threats. If in case two-factor authentication is failed and you want to fix it up, you can directly call on Gemini helpdesk number which is functional and the team can connect with user from anywhere and eliminate his/her queries by providing the best and verified remedies created by veteran experts. Gemini Customer Care Number

  69. Mycelium is the favorite wallet for many crypto investors and traders. One should understand what makes a wallet popular Use Mycelium Wallet. Usage of cryptocurrency is increasing among users for different reasons. If you need a secure place to store digital assets, you can Use Mycelium Wallet.


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